Ex-Gay to Lead Charge

I'm told there are many former gays out there who will testify to the disordered nature of homosexuality and its damaging effects. Why don't we hear from them more?

Stephen Bennett was active in the homosexual lifestyle for more than a decade before leaving that lifestyle in 1992. Now he runs Stephen Bennett Ministries (SBM), a Christ-centered organization that helps educate the public on the truth about homosexuality while it offers help and hope to those seeking freedom from unwanted homosexual attractions.
Bennet says while all human beings deserve to be treated with love, all behaviors do not need to be encouraged or tolerated.In response to Connecticut's new law advancing homosexual rights, he comments, “America better wake up; that's all I say. I don't mean to sound harsh or angry, but it's gotten to the point right now where homosexuality is just so accepted now, it's being promoted on every television show.”
Bennett observes with marked exasperation that, in today's pro-homosexual mainstream culture, one “can't even watch the Home and Garden Network” without running into pro-homosexual affirmation. Nowadays, he says, even the once innocuous home improvement “reality shows “feature gay and lesbian couples, where they come in and make over their homes."
The SBM president, his wife, and a group of experts on homosexuality will soon be starting a tour of Connecticut, during which they will hold a series of public meetings called “Straight Talk About Homosexuality.” In it, the ex-gay ministry leader says, "We are going to pull no punches. We're going to come out with the rock-solid truth about the medical truths and dangers about homosexuality.”
