
Man, gorgeous weather. My garden is now entirely put to bed for the winter. Everything is covered with wood chips, leaves, and/or grass clippings. I've dug compost into a few areas that strike me as particularly depleted, and I've formed a few compost hills in the garden. It's looking pretty good. I'll add some straw for good measure, and I'll keep composting (I hope to haul in scores of pumpkins after Halloween), but basically, gardening for 2012 is done.

The new abolitionism: Stomp out the sex slave trade? End abortion? No: prohibit the use of all animals. It takes a certain kind to come up with stuff like this.

Kinda related: the history of philosophy in 34 tweets.

I had a few extra minutes yesterday evening before heading out for a meeting, so I surfed some blogs that I hadn't visited in awhile. I went to Mangan's and discovered that it's now invite-only. That's the second time I've encountered an invite-only blog. What's up with that? I guess I could see the benefit of invite-only, but it seems kind of counter-intuitive. If you're trying to build traffic, shouldn't you make it easy for people to access it? Then again, if people get the feeling that they're part of an exclusive club, maybe that adds to the charm. Hard to say.

I haven't bought a Joseph Epstein book in years. I love his collections of essays, and he has a new one. I might have to break down and get it. Only $8.69 on Kindle, containing 600 pages of Epstein prose. That's less than 1.5 cents a page.

After my last "Why I Don't Vote" screed, TDE readership dropped about 10%, but at about the same time, my blogging time was limited so I wasn't posting the greatest fare. I was curious to see what would happen after Monday's semi-rant. I had been averaging about 700 visits a day. I was braced for it to drop into the 500s. But on Tuesday, the number actually went up to 883. Thanks for reading.