Clooney the Liberal
I try to avoid blatant politics on this site, but Clooney's words today cracked me up and made me sneer. That accomplishment deserves a comment.
Ocean's Eleven star George Clooney is urging his fellow Hollywood stars to keep quiet when it comes to politics, because he fears celebrity endorsements could wreck their favourite candidates' chances of victory. . .
"Now, I would argue that (throughout) American history, it's pretty hard to find a time when liberals were on the wrong side of an issue. . . .'
"We thought women should be able to vote and blacks should be allowed to sit at the front of the bus and Vietnam was wrong. We haven't really been on a lot of wrong sides for us to be sort of used as this bad word."
Well, Mr. Clooney, here are a few wrong sides:
-Alger Hiss
-The Threat of Communism in General
-The Virtue of Domestic Socialism
-Distrust of the Free Market
-Aid to Dependent Children
-Food Stamps
-Other Welfare "Entitlements" that Created a Permanent Underclass
-Relaxed Divorce Laws
-Sexual Permissiveness
-Promotion of the Childless Culture
-Support of the Kinsey Institute
-The Drug Culture
-Excess Consumer Product Warnings
-Attempt to Secularize All Aspects of Society
-Affirmative Action
-Keynesian Economics
-The Idea that the Sexes Are Identical
-Multiculturalism/Disrespect for Western Civ