Shea on Miers
Mark Shea is a little more militant about the Miers matter. I'm adopting a more cautious approach (be cautious before getting mad), but I tend to agree with him:
If Miers turns out to be Souter in a dress, I think this will go down in history as the moment when the pro-life movement finally sez "Go to hell" to Republicans who have played them like fiddles, kept them at arms length, made empty promises and lied them onto the reservation for 25 years. For my money, I'm done with the GOP unless, by some miracle, this unqualified crony turns out to be some sort of wonderful SCOTUS judge. But I doubt it. This appointment, along with Bush's incompetent cronyism with FEMA, persuades me he is not serious about security *or* human life, the two main planks of his platform. Now he's the President of a dubious and unpopular war, the head of an Administration which has broken two crucial promises, as well as having the distinction of being the first President to deliberately try to find a way to justify torture in the name of these United States. If I see no indication that the GOP is serious about the tremendous insult they have just delivered their base, then I will be voting third party in '08. The hell with 'em.