Massachusetts Church Leading Campaign

Getting up the Irish dander? I like seeing the churches, especially Catholic churches who have been silent in recent memory, finally taking stands. The Catholic clerics used to get fired up all the time, but they fell silent for many years, to the injury of American culture.

I think most Americans want to see this. Even the people who hate the stances will respect the guts.

Boston Catholic Archbishop Sean O'Malley has urged parishioners to sign the [homosexual marriage ban] petition. Some Protestant churches in this heavily Catholic state also planned to collect signatures.
Former Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn, one of the petition's chief sponsors, said church officials have an obligation to "speak out on important issues in the civic arena."
"The marriage petition is not against gays but for children," he said. "We believe that a loving family with a mother and a father is the best environment for children to be brought up in."
