
The ex-Commies are getting better taste in beer: "[T]he owner of Russia's biggest brewer, said it will place an increasing emphasis on selling higher-priced beers in the country to compensate for weakening volume there." Link. * * * * * * * This can't be! I thought all homeless people were saints: A homeless man, "David Weber, 53, of Miami Beach, allegedly broke into a car and lifted a credit card, which he then used to buy a beer. Unfortunately for him, the card belonged to the bartender." Link. * * * * * * * It's that time of year again: Pumpkin Beer time. Here are six recommendations: Link. * * * * * * * And if you're near Denver, it's almost time for the Great American Beer Festival. October 8th. Link. Based on what I see at that link (is that dude wearing a hops hat?), the Festival is geared toward beer geeks. You've been warned. * * * * * * * CNN headline: ?No malarkey: Biden likes beer and firefighters." Link. I didn't know Biden was out of the closet like that. Maybe a firefighter crew will invite him to one of their 24-hour shifts. * * * * * * * Interesting political slant: "Craft-beer drinkers to decide election." Link. That doesn't bode well for the Mormon. * * * * * * * But Romney is polling well with Mormons. He is getting 83% of their votes (interestingly, Obama is getting 91% of the black vote). * * * * * * * Sorry to sober you up with that last blurb, but if nothing else, it ought to spur you to drink more this weekend.