
The Forty Best Beers in America! Kinda, if you're into the health thing. It's from the standpoint of calories, so if you're gay, it's a good list for you. Number one is Miller Genuine Draft 64, which might be the most wretched drink ever concocted by the wrath of Satan. But there are a few other beers in the list that I've enjoyed: Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss ("and you're calling other people 'gay,' Eric?") and Honey Weiss, Blue Moon Belgian Wheat, Killian's, Red Stripe, Foster's, and Pabst. Regardless of your tastes, it's a nifty list and been raging around the Internet the past couple of days.
Good Late Night
"The White House just revealed that it brews its own beer, and President Obama drinks it when he goes out campaigning – and even more of it when Joe Biden goes out campaigning." Fallon
If you missed it, the President has recruited beer as part of his campaign this year.