
What time are the Opening Ceremonies today? London is five hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time, and I think the ceremonies begin at 9:00 London time, so 4:00 our time? Is that correct? I want to make sure to watch all the chicks that are taking advantage of the 150,000 free condoms. * * * * * * * In honor of the London games, maybe I'll try to find some barleywine. Maybe I'll start with some aged Thomas Hardy: "If any beer was ever made for the cellar, it's English barleywine. Its combination of fruity esters, mellow English hops, intense (initially harsh) fusel alcohols and kettle-caramelized malts write the perfect script for cellar success. And if the English barleywine is the granddaddy of vintage beers, Thomas Hardy's Ale is the grand Poobah of them all." I looked for some on eBay. Looks like bottles typically go for $20ish. * * * * * * * The home of Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio, is holding its county fair, and it's featuring beer and wine tasting. PDF Link. Man, I'd love it if our county fair did such thing. We have a great county fair here, but they're kinda stuck in Puritan ways. * * * * * * * And finally, a loyal TDE reader sends along this great picture, with this message: "Thought you might like this ... family reunion photo from my maternal grandmother's family, I think sometime between 1915 and 1920. Must be home brew in those glasses."