Top Ten List of Cell Phone Annoyances
These aren't the Top Ten annoyances. If I tried harder, I gotta believe I could come up with better ones.
Hearing someone ten feet away from you describe the weather.
Hearing someone five feet away say "I gotta run; gotta go to the bathroom."
Folks who can't go anywhere without a cell phone.
Folks who interrupt your conversation to take a cell phone call.
Folks who take that call and talk about inanities for five minutes, knowing you're sitting there, waiting.
Absent-minded driving fueled by cell phone use.
Parents who interrupt activities with their children so they can take the cell phone call (none of my business, but when I see it, I cringe for the child).
Cell phone narcissists ("I Cell, Therefore I Am")
Cell phones in the wilderness or other outdoor venues.
Cell phones in places reserved for silence (churches, libraries, lecture halls, my bedroom).