
The best vodka this side of the Pecos River now has a finished tasting room (well, almost finished). This is a pic I took of the outside two weeks ago. If you're in the area, stop out. It's a unique drinking experience.
Middle age have you down? Drink more: "A study finds that those who drink in moderation - no more than 14 drinks a week and no more than three a day for women and four a day for men - have better overall scores [with respect to quality of life] than those who abstain completely." Link.
Three observations:
1. Of course.
2. Is it me, or are these "alcohol is good for you" stories increasing in frequency?
3. Has anyone else noticed that the volume of alcohol in the stories appears to be increasing? It seems that they used to say "a single glass of red wine" with dinner can be good for your heart. And then it was, "a beer or two" can help with X or Y. And now with this story, men are up to four drinks a day. That's pretty cool.
It kinda reminds me of the huge caffeine push over at Bottom Line. In the past month, I've seen them tout the benefits of five cups of coffee a day and 5-to-15 cups of green tea a day (yes, 15). (Not necessarily 5 coffees and 15 cups of teas; they were separate articles.)
My doctor also tells me I should be drinking, at a minimum, 80 ounces of water every day.
So let's recap my daily liquid consumption requirements:
48 Ounces of Beer
80 Ounces of Water
75 Ounces of Green Tea
That puts me over 200 ounces a day, plus the occasional soda, juice, and fluids from fruits.
I'm going to need a catheter and a urine bag at the office if I hope to get any work done--and a similar set-up in my bedroom if I hope to get any sleep.
Then again, with that much caffeine pumping through my system, I might never sleep again.