
A few good drinking quotes:
"Conversation, hilarity and drink are connected in a profoundly human, peculiarly intimate way." Kingsley Amis
"While the village remained the social unit, strangers appeared seldom, and when they did they were heavily outnumbered by your family, your friends, people you had known all your life. Nowadays, in the era of the business lunch, the dinner party, the office party, the anything-and-everything party, strangers pour over the horizon all the time.
"The reason why I, and most others, usually turn out to enjoy meeting such creatures is simply and obviously the co-presence of drink. The human race has not devised any way of dissolving barriers, getting to know the other chap fast, breaking the ice, that is one-tenth as handy and efficient as letting you and the other chap, or chaps, cease to be totally sober at about the same rate in agreeable surroundings." Kingsley Amis
TDE Comment: He's right about that. One of the most terrifying things I've heard about in the past ten years is the college Freshman "ice breaker." Most of them are lame; all of them are dry. You can't force separate parts together, unless you lubricate them. The best lubrication: time, accompanied by the easy familiarity developed over the course of days or weeks. The next best: alcohol.
"It has been said that alcohol is a good servant and a bad master. Nice try. The plain fact is that it makes other people, and indeed life itself, a good deal less boring." Christopher Hitchens