More Public School Fun

Many good Christians support the whole concept of public schools. It boggles my mind and strikes me as a lazy holdover from the schools' halcyon days in the 1950s and 1960s. The types of abuse described in the story below naturally crop up in a machine that is built from coercion and huge amounts of local money and tinkered with by the Supreme Court and Congress. When will Christians wake up and smell the Godless?

When a Washington student objected to having a homosexual teach his sex education class, the school district attempted to punish the student by barring his reenrollment, but now a judge has sided with the student.
The student, Lucas Schrader, had been enrolled in Kent Mt. View Academy, a charter school in the Kent School District near Seattle, for three years. Schrader's parents were required to apply each year for his admission to the school because they live in another district, according to the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, which is representing the family.
