
Friday Drinking Thoughts
"[C]onversation, hilarity and drink are connected in a profoundly human, peculiarly intimate way." Kingsley Amis. Amen to that. It's no doubt a thought that all the world's great drinkers, including Chesterton and Belloc, would agree with.
Amis would go on to mention that "no such healthy linkage exists in the case of other drugs." I'd also agree with that, as would Chesterton, which is one reason he condemned absinthe and why he would not be a fan of marijuana. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a fan of the continued criminalization of marijuana (I'm not; I have joined the ranks of those who think the cost of the drug wars are too great for the comparatively-small harm that would be done by marijuana's legalization)., I am, however, saying that marijuana and drink aren't the same thing and only a moron would lump them together.