"L" is for . . .

Love, lesbian, lawyer:

Two women who once planned to raise a family and spend the rest of their lives together will instead be represented this week by dueling attorneys as their bitter child custody battle plays out before the Vermont Supreme Court.
For Lisa and Janet Miller-Jenkins, the court case is a personal and emotionally charged dispute about sharing custody of a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl born in 2002 to Lisa following artificial insemination.
"It's about Isabella and a biological mother's right to raise her child," said Lisa, who prefers to use only the last name Miller. "That's the bottom line for me."


And from the Land Downunder:

Two Sydney women who had a long-term relationship have started a custody battle for a three-year-old boy conceived through donor insemination.
The non-biological mother claims she has been the psychological and emotional parent since the boy was born, and that he has spent more time with her in the years since the couple separated. The looming Family Court battle highlights a dilemma in lesbian relationships where both women may agree to have a child, and raise it together, but only one can give birth. Under NSW law the partner who does not bear the child has no legal rights as a parent.


Of course, heterosexuals largely ruined marriage before the homosexuals started pretending to be married, but they're adding a whole new dimension to divorce.