I Cain't Believe It
Herman Cain gets smeared by sexual harassment allegations. It kinda sucks, since I was actually thinking about voting for him. How couldn't I, once I saw these pictures:

Alas, it sounds like those sexual harassment allegations have traction. It reminds me of Clarence Thomas, but it doesn't remind me of other famous black lechers. It's fairly well accepted now that Martin Luther King was a big-time ladies' man, but he still has his own holiday. Tiger Woods' was a complete pig, but he's still golfing professionally (well, kinda).
Oh well, Thomas still got on the Court. Thing is, Anita Hill's allegations simply didn't ring true. In Cain's case, there are three women and the allegations, on first blush, ring true. Then again, the allegations ring true because they're so mild. Maybe that's a good thing.
We'll see.
Good Late Night
"Plans are under way in England to build a laser they say is powerful enough to tear apart the fabric of space. Well, what could go wrong there?" Leno
"President Obama just had a physical exam. He had it today and his doctor said Obama is physically active, eats a healthy diet, and stays at a healthy weight. So now I'm really starting to doubt whether Obama was born in this country." Conan
"The White House announced that it has rejected several petitions to legalize marijuana. They say it has nothing to do with politics. It's just that they can't accept a petition that was written on a crumpled up Funyuns bag." Fallon