
Gilbert Arrived
The new issue of Gilbert Magazine arrived a few days ago (for those unaware, I used to edit that esteemed rag). Dale Ahlquist has a splendid travel piece about this recent trip to England. He spent time in a monastery with Dom Phillip Jeb, who is the grandson of Hilaire Belloc; visited biographer Ian Ker in "the marvelously intact medieval village of Burford, about twenty miles north of Oxford"; and visited the tomb of Aldous Huxley, who (I never realized) died the same day as C.S. Lewis and John F. Kennedy (11/22/1963).
If you don't subscribe to the magazine, you ought to seriously consider. I don't claim it's the best magazine in the world or anything, but it's probably the most unique.
[caption id="attachment_21345" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Burford, England"]

Drinking Corner
From Fr. Schall's column in GM: "On the Safest Way to Drink":
[Chesterton] notes that [the word 'alcohol'] is from the Arabic. 'It is interesting to realize that our general word for the essence of wine and beer and such things comes from a people which has made particular war upon them.'
No one at a tavern really asks for a drink of 'alcohol.' 'It is quite a mistake to suppose that when a man desires an alcoholic drink, he necessarily desires alcohol.'