
Brews You Can Use
I have my reservations about "The Art of Manliness" website, but overall, it posts some great stuff. Earlier this week, I stumbled across an excellent overview of scotch: The Guide to Scotch Whisky. I keep some 50-year old whisky in my basement, but I hate the stuff, and scotch is the devil's brew. But hey, if you can muscle it down, I doff my hat to you. If you want to learn the early history of the drink and how it's made and how to enjoy it, check out the article. It's one of the best drinking stories since . . . well, since that story last week about vodka. Excerpt:
Originally known as “Aqua vitae” or “water of life” for it's healing properties, the first recorded reference to the substance is found in the Scottish Exchequer Rolls of 1494. The following, “Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae,” was the equivalent of several hundred bottles of whisky in today's standards. This distilled beverage was used as a treatment for all kinds of ailments, with many of its users noticing the warm, calming sensation upon “treatment.”
Wine on the Rocks

AC/DC is coming out with a wine product? What's next, Ozzy Osbourne comes out with his own tea? I like wine and tea, but AC/DC and wine? I'm not buying it. Well, I might buy it, of course, but I'm not buuuuuying it.
The Australian band has entered into a partnership with New South Wales, Australia-based winery Warburn Estate to produce four bottled varieties, named after some of their hits -- AC/DC "Back in Black" Shiraz, AC/DC "You Shook Me All Night Long" Moscato, AC/DC "Highway to Hell" Cabernet Sauvignon and AC/DC "Hells Bells" Sauvignon Blanc.