

Wasn't Cornwall the earliest country to succumb to England? I think it succumbed so long ago, people forget that it once existed independently. That's my understanding anyway. I guess it's a fairly poor region of the UK, kinda like Scotland without the drunks and geniuses. But maybe that'll change, thanks to Cornish barley. They're making beer out of it, and they're hoping it's a big hit. Link. I really want to try some. * * * * * * * Go out tonight, drink some beer, come home, and make a wi-fi booster with the empty beer can. Go here to learn how. * * * * * * * Killjoy: Doctor says beer doesn't stimulate breast-milk production in nursing mothers. Link. But wait: This article says it might help. Marie drank milk while nursing. She never ran out . . . of milk. Or beer, for that matter. And the kids don't seem any worse for the beer (badda boom). * * * * * * * I hope this BYCU got you in the drinking mood. You're gonna need it: Stocks tumble across the globe. * * * * * * * Speaking of which, people have told me that The Adventures of Beer Man makes them crave a beer, in a joyful kind of way: