
Drinking Corner

It's every wine snobs worst nightmare: box wines are gaining credibility. According to this article (Link), it was merely a matter of time. Boxed wines have all sorts of advantages, including volume, portability, and durability. So it's no surprise that wine manufacturers are increasing the quality. The link above offers a handful of recommended box wines. I might have to venture out and grab me a box of red. They typically keep two weeks. I like having a wine spigot in my fridge. * * * * * * * It'd be especially prudent now, during August, when my Teutonic skin is vulnerable: "A new study suggests there's another way besides a tube of sunscreen - and it can be found at your nearest grocery or liquor store. Spanish scientists discovered that grapes contain compounds that block chemical changes in the body associated with causing skin damage. These compounds, known as flavonoids, are also found in red wine." Link.