We Never Get a Happy Medium

For years, the advertising industry has been using ridiculously-skinny models and computer enhancements. Now, there's an "everyday woman" trend afoot. Ad agencies will use heavy women and, apparently, no enhancements. Couldn't we just get reasonably-attractive women, without the airbrushing or bilimia? Why the outlandish swings? Link. Excerpt:

This week, Nike is introducing a humorous print and online campaign for exercise gear, frankly glorifying body parts that until now were almost never seen in ads, much less celebrated. One ad, which begins boldly, "My butt is big," features an oversize photograph of the derrière in question.
Another Nike ad declares, "I have thunder thighs," while a third asserts: "My shoulders aren't dainty or proportional to my hips. Some say they are like a man's. I say, leave men out of it."