
The Gift

So I'm standing at my office window yesterday, talking with an acquaintance about some pro bono project (not my favorite thing--I'm still a few halos short of sainthood). The mailman walks in and hands me a package. My interlocutor must've thought I had just received a package of porn. It was wrapped in brown. Fortunately, my wife's name was on it (the sender thought she worked at the office and that I worked some place else).

I went back to my office and opened it. It contained one of the nicest surprise presents I've ever received: Inspired by Drink. It's an anthology of drinking essays, stories, and verse. It's a thick book and covers everything from tea to beer, coffee to wine, cider to electric Kool-Aid (Tom Wolfe). It's nearly 500 pages long and slanted heavily toward the mood-influencing beverages.

From whence it came? A loyal TDE reader.

Blessed in Ohio

I know Hudepohl is brewed in Cincinnati, but is Ohio really known for its drinking? I mean, Warren Harding is from there, and he liked to throw 'em back (bootleg whiskey available at the White House during Prohibition), and Ohio resisted the 21-year-old drinking age fascism the longest, but I've never really thought of it as a drinking state.

But they've just earned my respect . . . at their state house building, no less. "Ohio Statehouse managers said recently that a full-service bar would open next month . . .". Link. Some think Ohio will become the only state with a full-service bar in its state house.

Kudos to those devilish Buckeyes. Goodness knows, my home state, Michigan, and its byzantine liquor laws could use a dose of spirits in its state house.


Warning: Slow blogging winds blowing ahead.