More eBay
Greg Perry at Lew Rockwell has posted part 2 of his 3-part eBay series. Link. Excerpt:
If you've experienced frustration in losing to other bidders, you need to locate items you want whose auctions end in the middle of the night when others are sleeping. Also, look for misspellings of words in titles (one of the best tools for this is Adam Ginsberg's Misspell Generator due to its huge feature list and low price). Most important, use a bid sniping service that will drop into an auction and bid for you in the final seconds, bidding up to whatever amount you approve in advance. Every veteran eBayer has their favorite snipe service. I happen to think is the best on the planet, not only because gives you free snipes just for trying it but also because you don't pay if they don't win for you, they've been in the business a heck of a long time, and doesn't require a credit card number just for trying their service.