Friday BYCU

Norman's Brother, with a "C"

TDE Reader writes "Got a stack of beer ads at an estate sale (house owner collected magazine illustrations). These are a few of a series from the United States Brewers Foundation, with slogan 'Beer Belongs ... Enjoy It!' America's Beverage of Moderation. These are from 1951/52. Apparently there are about 100 of these."

I love the slogan: "Beer Belongs . . . Enjoy It!" It ties into a beer theme I've been harping on for years (and which GKC harped on a hundred years ago): Make beer normal. Once it's ordinary, it'll stop being extraordinary. Once it's no longer extraordinary, its abuse will decrease.

I thought the ads themselves were really cool, so I asked if there was a link. He told me they were done by Douglas Crockwell, and he directed me to this link of great retro beer ads. It's one of the best net suds finds of the year. Enjoy.