
Three Philosophers

Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas?

The Beer Taster recently featured Three Philosophers. That is one righteous beer. I agree with this description: "The aroma is very malty and full of cherries, as well as some other dark fruits such as raisins. I also found there to be a mild alcohol aroma which isn't surprising due to the ABV. The taste of this beer strongly resembles the aroma as the malts really show up first before the dark fruits and the alcohol take over. The cherries seem to linger around from start to finish though and made this beer very enjoyable." Unfortunately, it's ridiculously expensive. I think I paid $14 for a four-pack.

Another problem: It's hard to find, but at $3.50 a beer, very few people buy it. When you do find it, you run a good chance that it's going skunky.

More than Ripple

Urban wineries are on the rise. They buy their grapes from regional farms, then make their own wine. I would've thought such things were common, but this article implies that it's a relatively-new phenomenon.

The Big Dirty

"A Dupont Circle restaurant has launched a new 48-ounce cocktail.

"It's called the "Big Dirty," and it takes six (yes, six) cocktail shakers to fill this bad boy.

"Since launching about three weeks ago, Dirty Martini has been selling roughly 35-40 of the cocktails a week, at $79.99 a pop."
