Everyone's Copying Eric Scheske!
First Arianna Huffington, now Donald Trump has his own blog. Link.
Add online blogger to the list of media ventures on the resume of real-estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump.
Trump's eponymous blog, which is subtitled "ideas and opinions from Donald Trump and his circle of experts," is connected to Trump University, an online education Web site begun in late May.
"It's another channel to get his message out, it gives him another forum to reach his audience," said Michael Sexton, president of Trump University. "It'll be reflective of what's topical in the news, business, and education, [though] he won't tackle popular culture or entertainment. Everybody wants to hear what he's up to next."
Trump's postings promise to get more serious once the blog finds its sea legs following its public launch in a few days time.
I guess we haven't been paying much attention to Mr. Trump. We didn't even realize he had his own university. Interesting. If that doesn't convince you that higher education is about money, not learning, nothing will. From what we can tell, the "university" doesn't purport to be a real learning institution (we couldn't find a reference to diplomas), but it's still symbolic of much of higher education.