
Football to Misdemeanors: BYCU
You wanna spend $750 on a beer? Yeah, me neither (in the words of Pat Dailey, "I've got to be drunk to do that"). But if you're so inclined or so stupid or so drunk, you might want to try The End of History Beer. They only made a few. It's a 55% alcohol blond Belgian ale, brewed using crazy freezing techniques, and featuring hints of juniper berries, mead, and nettles. * * * * * * * It's long been a major complaint of mine that I can't get a beer at NCAA sporting events. Well, that stupid rule (or custom, I know not from whence the idiocy springs) is on its way out. Thirty-six schools allow alcohol sales at their football games, and the University of West Virginia just joined them. Good job, Mountaineers. Leave that Puritan stuff for the Cavaliers. Link. * * * * * * * It reminds me of an old joke, which, though dirty, is appropriate for BYCU: What's the difference between Virginia and West Virginia? In Virginia, Moosehead is a beer. In West Virginia, it's a misdemeanor. * * * * * * * Dude, just get a job and buy the beer: "Police said a burglar swiped a 12-pack of beer from Red Rooster Deli at 256 Oak St. about 2 a.m. Thursday by carving a hole through an exterior wall and the rear of a walk-in refrigerator pushed up against it." Link. * * * * * * * Occasional TDE commentator, blogger, and artist Timothy Jones has posted a great painting: pipe and beer.