100 Bad People?

They're bad people according to Bernard Goldberg's book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America. The list shows a little bit of Republican bias, to say the least, and our list would look considerably different, but we like lists, so we're reproducing it here. Here's a link to an article about the book.

1. Michael Moore
2. Arthur Sulzberger
3. Ted Kennedy
4. Jesse Jackson
5. Anthony Romero
6. Jimmy Carter
7. Margaret Marshall
8. Paul Krugman
9. Jonathan Kozol
10. Ralph Neas
11. Noam Chomsky
12. Dan Rather
13. Andrew Heyward
14. Mary Mapes
15. Ted Rall
16. John Edwards
17. Al Sharpton
18. Al Gore
19. George Soros
20. Howard Dean
21. Judge Roy Moore
22. Michael Newdow
23. The Unknown American Terrorist
24. Lee Bollinger
25. James Kopp
26. Dr. Martin Haskell
27. Paul Begala
28. Julian Bond
29. John Green
30. Latrell Sprewell
31. Maury Povich
32. Jerry Springer
33. Bob Shrum
34. Bill Moyers
35. Jeff Danziger
36. Nancy Hopkins
37. Al Franken
38. Jim McDermott
39. Peter Singer
40. Scott Harshbarger
41. Susan Beresford
42. Gloria Steinem
43. Paul Eibeler
44. Dennis Kozlowski
45. Ken Lay
46. Barbara Walters
47. Maxine Waters
48. Robert Byrd
49. Ingrid Newkirk
50. John Vasconellos
51. Ann Pelo
52. Markos Moulitsas
53. Anna Nicole Smith
54. Neal Shapiro
55. David Westin
56. Diane Sawyer
57. Ted Field
58. Eminem
59. Shirley Franklin
60. Ludacris
61. Michael Savage
62. Howard Stern
63. Amy Richards
64. James Wolcott
65. Oliver Stone
66. David Duke
67. Randall Robinson
68. Katherine Hanson
69. Matt Kunitz
70. Jimmy Swaggart
71. Phil Donahue
72. Ward Churchill
73. Barbara Kingsolver
74. Katha Politt
75. Eric Foner
76. Barbara Foley
77. Linda Hirshman
78. Norman Mailer
79. Harry Belafonte
80. Kitty Kelley
81. Tim Robbins
82. Laurie David
83. The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity
84. The Vicious Celebrity
85. The Dumb Celebrity
86. Chris Ofili
87. Sheldon Hackney
88. Aaron McGruder
89. Jane Smiley
90. Michael Jackson
91. Barbara Streisand
92. Kerri Dunn
93. Richard Timmons
94. Guy Velella
95. Courtney Love
96. Eve Ensler
97. Todd Goldman
98. Sheila Jackson Lee
99. Matthew Lesko
100. Rick and Kathy Hilton

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