
Brews  You Can Use.jpg


Tax Day. A good reason to drink. And I hear they extended the filing deadline to April 18. Let's make it a bender. I'm gonna need more drinks because my investment companies keep sending updated 1099s . . . after I already filed my return. There oughtta be a law . . . * * * * * * * Joy at Work. I did something yesterday that I hadn't done in years: drank at lunch. I'd had a horrible morning in the office and was real uptight. I was having lunch at my priest's rectory with a group. He offered water, coffee, pop, or wine. Everyone chose water. He looked a little disappointed about the lack of wine drinkers. I figured, "Heck, I could use a little attitude adjustment before going back to the office," so I had two small glasses. It worked. The afternoon went much better. It kinda reminded me of Jeffrey Tucker's classic essay, Bourbon for Breakfast. * * * * * * * They're Lucky in Ohio. The Ohio Craft Brewers Collaboration Sampler hit store shelves yesterday. Twelve high-quality and varied beers: $19.99. It don't get much better than that. * * * * * * * Run Hard! Drinking beer after working out is actually better for you than drinking water. Link. It apparently helps you retain liquid better than water, its bubbles help quench thirst, and its carbohydrates can help to replace lost calories. Link. Stick that in your water bottle and smoke it, you aquabibs!

Two helpful graphs:

Why I Drink
Men at Weddings

Very good book: