Not Art
Wow, whatta great concept: Art that's not art. It's called "Outsider Art." Here's the promoters' explanation:
"Art Brut", or "Outsider Art", consists of works produced by people who for various reasons have not been culturally indoctrinated or socially conditioned. They are all kinds of dwellers on the fringes of society. Working outside fine art "system" (schools, galleries, museums and so on), these people have produced, from the depths of their own personalities and for themselves and no one else, works of outstanding originality in concept, subject and techniques. They are works, which owe nothing to tradition or fashion."
The terms "tradition" and "fashion" are broad words. When it comes to Outsider Art, the terms appear to encompass many traits, especially the three T's: talent, technique, and training.
But what the heck. It makes everyone feel good, so it must be a good thing, right?