
The Vat

My firm subscribes to the New Yorker. A recent issue featured this piece about the Vatican library, "God's Librarians." It's good, especially for a magazine that isn't terribly friendly toward Rome. Oh sure, there are little digs here and there, and the cultural biases of the publication shine at times, but for the most part, it's great reading with very little that is objectionable. Unfortunately, only an abstract of the piece is available online. You might want to check back periodically and see if they put the whole thing up eventually. Basically, the article gives a brief history of "the Vat" and recounts the massive recent attempts to modernize the library and digitalize its holdings. * * * * * * * Wow, this might be the most-fascinating legal story of the past ten years: states revisiting the doctrine of nullification. I've listened to Thomas Woods speak about his new book, Nullification. He makes some pretty good arguments in support of it, but I just figured it was a pipe dream. I might have to look into it a little more. * * * * * * * That's it for today. Things are rather hectic at the office right now. Drinking fare tomorrow.