Gearing Back Up
I have returned from my trip to the in-laws in Detroit, and now the Christmas festivities are over, except for the 12 days of Christmas presents that we give the kids. We give each kid a small present every day until the Epiphany, at which time we give them a fairly big gift. We think it helps emphasize that Christmas is a season, not a day, plus it reminds them of the importance of the Epiphany. I mean, we're not Jewish, so the revelation to the Gentiles is a pretty big deal for us. It's unfortunate that it's largely neglected. * * * * * * * My best non-monetary present: a portable reading desk. It's pictured below. Very cool. * * * * * * * I finally saw my first 3D movie. We saw Gulliver's Travels while in Detroit. I'm glad I went because the viewing experience was worth it: absolutely huge screen, cavernous arena seating, 3D glasses. The movie had some funny parts, but I'd only give it a 5.5 overall. * * * * * * * Is Tucker Carlson for real? "I'm a Christian, I've made mistakes myself, I believe fervently in second chances. But Michael Vick killed dogs, and he did in a heartless and cruel way. And I think, personally, he should've been executed for that. He wasn't, but the idea that the President of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs? Kind of beyond the pale." Link. I figured the statement was taken out of context, but I watched the 20-second blurb and, doggone, I think the guy was serious. I like Fox, but Hannity lost credibility with me years ago. His choice of a fill-in further assures me that my disposition toward Hannity is correct. * * * * * * * My holiday travels are over, but things are still kinda nuts around here. My blogging is gearing up again, and I hope to have NY Eve BYCU tomorrow, but until early next week, things will be a little on the light side.