
Christmas Picture

Slowing Down

Light blogging today, since I'm expecting holiday-like traffic. Blog traffic has already decreased about 20% this week as things slow down. Because many companies are shutting down today for a four-day holiday weekend, I expect blog traffic to be especially light. * * * * * * * Please note that TDE will offer light fare during the next week. Holiday festivities will largely keep me occupied, but I know I'll get traffic, even on Christmas day. Over 400 visitors came to the site last year on the 12/25. I will post something every day. * * * * * * * If you haven't noticed, I've kept the prose sunny this week, in honor of the holidays. There are, however, scary stories still circulating out there, like this one from the Guardian: $2tn debt crisis threatens to bring down 100 US cities. The article doesn't list the 100 and, in fact, only mentions Detroit and Vallejo (CA). With respect to European cities, it mentions that the following are in trouble: Florence, Barcelona, Madrid, and Venice. * * * * * * * Funny Conan: "In Germany, an airport hired clowns to entertain grumpy passengers whose flights have been delayed. None of the clowns survived." * * * * * * * BYCU: Tips for holiday punch.