
Holiday Drink

BYCU: Taxes and Top Ten List

I'll drink to it: Congress Sends Tax Cut Bill to Obama's Desk. It'll save me money on social security taxes, save many of my clients money on estate planning legal services, and let me keep $7,000 in child credits. But I don't see much in it that reduces spending. It's a borrow-and-spend bill. So, I'll have a drink to celebrate now, and I'll have a bunch of drinks to numb my fears later. * * * * * * * I wish I liked hard liquor more, especially this time of year. I see all sorts of neat-looking drink recipes and want to try them, but I know they won't taste as good as a beer. If you like liquor and funky drinks, Forbes has an exotic assortment of holiday ideas here. * * * * * * * Also from Forbes: Ten reasons to drink during the holidays. Warning: It's one of those ten-part slide shows. Another warning: The list is lame, so I thought I'd attempt my own list:

10. It's always the season for drinking.

9. Dieting is right around the corner.

8. Drinking is a natural social activity.

7. Seeing people you rarely see calls for celebration.

6. Drunken shopping is easier.

5. It tastes good.

4. Alcohol encourages a sense of joy.

3. It's the season of giving, and alcohol can reduce your ego.

2. Charitableness often comes in a bottle.

1. A small amount of alcohol still the inner-beast, bringing us closer to that supernatural stillness.

* * * * * * If you close the bar tonight and stumble home late, wanting some drunken Christmas fare, TCM is showing Santa Clause Conquers the Martians tonight at 3:45 (EST).