If the T-Shirt Fits, Wear It
Maybe it's the six pack he quaffed at the Elks club, but Eric Scheske about shot beer out his nose when he saw this story from The Smoking Gun:
Since you usually can't anticipate an arrest for drunk driving, a motorist does not have the luxury of planning a wardrobe for the mug shot session. Floridian Jon Matteson, who last month pleaded no contest to a DUI count, knows all about that predicament. The 28-year-old was wearing a rather distinctive t-shirt when he posed for the below Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office mug shot following his December 2004 DUI arrest. We're sure Matteson was more appropriately attired in Circuit Court on June 1, when he was sentenced to a year's probation, fined $775, and ordered to perform 50 hours of community service.