Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. My holiday season didn't start very well. I wrecked my vehicle and, in the process, took out a fire hydrant. The officer was very nice about it and nobody was hurt (I was only going about 15 miles an hour), but I was at fault. I guess I'm going to feel extra pain in my future insurance premiums because I destroyed municipal property in the process (but that part is still unclear). And no, I wasn't drunk. I was on my way to get drunk (with wife slated to pick me up later in the evening), but I hadn't even cracked Beer 1 yet. Oh well. There's still plenty to be thankful for (like readers who patronize TDE through its Amazon link--come on, I really need you now (chuckle)!), so I present my normal slate of Thanksgiving quotes:
“Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.” Samuel Johnson
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” G.K. Chesterton
“Gratitude is characteristic only of the humble. The egotistic are so impressed by their own importance that they take everything given them as if it were their due. They have no room in their hearts for recollection of the undeserved favors they received.” Fulton Sheen
“Draft day and Thanksgiving Day are the only good days to be a Detroit Lions fan.” Eric Scheske
Pray for the atheists today, their hardest day of the year. Anonymous
“When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting.” St. Jerome
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart