
I ran Brews You Can Use on Black Wednesday, so today is a normal post . . . almost. I'm also away from my computer, so I've had to pre-program a few posts. Today, I merely want to mention that the new issue of Gilbert Magazine is out. Visually, it's their finest issue yet. It's the "Art" issue, and it features lots of great pictures and articles about art. It even has a lengthy interview with our own Timothy Jones. I say "our own" because Jones frequently comments in the boxes here. He has many insightful things to say, including lighter observations, like "What about The Blues Brothers? Have you seen Mythbusters? Now that's art!" He also points out, correctly, that "pornography is anti-art . . . because it constitutes an attack on life, truth, beauty and unity . . . it is false, sterile and ugly. It tears the human person to pieces, alienating the body from the mind and spirit, and creates barriers to real human relationships."