
You want a buzz with your coffee? A Starbucks coffee shop in Seattle is test-marketing craft beer and local wines. My first thought: The apocalypse is upon us, but upon reflection and further reading, it makes perfect sense. The energized crowd often wants to shift their momentum later in the day, and alcohol is their gear of choice. Starbucks has the stores and employees in place already. Why not try to capture another source of revenue? "The idea is to offer drinks and a wider variety of savory food that will attract customers after the morning espresso rush." Of course, I seriously doubt that you'll find me, or any serious drinker, in a juiced-up Starbucks. I gotta believe these places will attract the Bartle & James wine cooler crowd. * * * * * * * It's a good time for Starbucks to try that idea, incidentally. Many states and localities are loosening their licensing restrictions in an effort to attract business in light of our country's economic woes. * * * * * * * So you see, there's a bright side to everything, even financial devastation. * * * * * * * A TDE reader sent this along last week, and I didn't see it until a couple of days ago: It's Cleveland Beer Week. There are still two days left. * * * * * * Old joke: What's the definition of Cleveland? Answer: Detroit without the glitter. There's also this joke from the 1990s, when the Cleveland Indians were horrible: What do Michael Jackson and the Cleveland Indians have in common? They both wear one glove for no apparent reason. * * * * * * * I have nothing against Cleveland, incidentally. While living in Detroit, though, I heard a handful of Cleveland jokes. Maybe Cleveland gave Detroiters someone to look down upon, like the way the dumbest kid in class liked to pick on the special-ed kids. * * * * * * * Gotta love The Champs:
Wikipedia has a good entry about that song. You'll learn more about "Tequila" than you knew there was to know.