Pictures? Have Mercy on the Rest of Us
We're torn. On the one hand, we favor public humiliation of criminal offenders (assuming society recognizes any behavior that's shameful). On the other hand, we're fans of moderate outdoor urination:
Officials at the waterfall Vøringfossen, on the road between Bergen and Oslo, have grown weary of all the tourists who let their own water fall on the trails and bushes in the popular area.
"Too many people are using the woods as a toilet," Lise Nilsen, who's responsible for Vøringfossen's web site, told newspaper Bergens Tidende. . .
So a sign was posted, asking tourists to please use public toilets and not the woods. The sign also warned tourists that they may be photographed, and that the photos could be publicized on the waterfall's web site.
We don't often get the opportunity to post nature pictures, so . . .