
Brews You Can Use
Maybe I'll become a renaissance man. An expert in everything: philosophy, theology, history, art, beer, finance, copulatory technique, dewey decimal system, chemistry, TV, electronics, fashion, web-page design. Even cooking. Heck, especially cooking, now that I've found the magic ingredient: beer. Beers can be brewed with multiple malts and hops, and can be enhanced with spices and herbs and fruits. The same batch of beer can be aged in several ways, resulting in different flavors and carbonation factors. The sweetness, the bitterness and the carbonation -- all are a great way to disperse and enhance flavors in a dish. That's pretty sweet. I'll have to get started. Of course, at this point I don't even know how to grill a hamburger (no hyperbole), so I have a long way to go. Then again, maybe that's what wives are for (chuckle). * * * * * * * Finally, after 50 years, some sanity is returning to Washington. No, Robert Taft isn't coming back from the dead. Something better: beer is coming back. From a Beltway rag: "After a half-century wait, D.C. residents will once again be able to call tap handles and six-packs their own at bars and stores across, and eventually beyond, the city. Sure, Washington has brewpubs . . . But a true D.C. beer made and distributed within the District is a profound step in our city's rapidly advancing craft beer culture. It looks like instead of just one local brew, we will have several by the end of 2011." Link. * * * * * * * With his team down by 14 and less than 1:30 remaining on the clock, my son Jack hauled in two long TD catches and broke tackles to tie the game with :07 left. Adults approached him after the game and said it was the most-exciting junior high football they've ever seen. Notwithstanding, I'm bushed out on kid sports, yet some good things come from everywhere. At my son Michael's game last Saturday, a kindly man approached me and said, "You do the blog, right?" I nodded (cautiously, you never know if you might be dealing with rabid leftist). He said, "You gotta mention this brewery over in Marshall. It's called 'The Dark Horse Brewery.'" He said the beer is varied and great. With the Fall sports season winding down, I'll have to make a pilgrimage. Perhaps a stop there, then drive five miles down the road to the newest Indian casino.
(Thanks to my friend Mike Caywood for taking this pic):