
Another Lions game yesterday. I would never attend two NFL games in one year (my preference: one every 3-4 years), but my boys got free tickets to the first game I attended a month ago, and these tickets were ordered before the free tickets. Although I didn't feel like investing another 11 hours of my life, putting 300 miles on the car (IRS mileage cost: $150), and spending $35 on parking and food, we had great seats and had a great time. Plus, the Lions won big.
But all good things come with a cost (in addition to the ones whinelighted above), and today, the cost is blogging. I'm typing this Sunday evening and am going to sleep-in tomorrow. So for today, I'm merely producing a handful of random quotes and materials from my online reading over the past two weeks. Expect no rhyme or reason, but expect some pretty good stuff . . . even if it isn't by me (chuckle).
First, you gotta check out this excellent piece by Gonzalo Lira. The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy. I gotta say, Mr. Lira captures my mood exactly, though some will find his way of expressing it unsettling (he displays a predilection for the f word--aye, the colorful expletive is the stylistic leitmotif of the article). I should also add that he doesn't capture all my moods exactly, but at various times of the day, I find myself encamped in the middle class attitude he describes. Are we looking at an Atlas-shrugged scenario? Probably not, but perhaps Hercules shrugged?
In the passage where Lira uses the f-word repeatedly, I wholly concur, but I might add:
Screw the rules. Screw volunteering to help poor people who game the system. Screw saving for kids' college to pay tuition rates that are inflated by government subsidies for other kids besides mine. Screw paying taxes so people can use food stamps to buy Mountain Dew. Screw the federal government's foreign entanglements that will endanger my sons without good reason. Screw busting my hump so the Federal Reserve can cheapen my savings and give the money to their friends on Wall Street and K Street. Screw being a chump and a stooge. Just do it? No, just screw it.
Whew. That felt pretty good.
But I think I was supposed to produce a few good quotes for this morning's reading.
But you know what? Screw it. I like what I wrote, even if it shatters the ideally-eudemistic purpose of this site. I'm sticking with it and not revamping my entire intro. My apologies for the false advertising at the beginning, but I'm bush tired and going to bed.
Thanks for reading, and if the above offends you, thank you for your indulgence.
I'll see you on Tuesday.
And I'll try my darndest to have a smile on my prose.