Infiltrating the Bedroom and Kitchen

Spain isn't just allowing gay marriage. It's also requiring men to do their share of the house work.

The vows that couples take in a civil marriage ceremony are to change. Not only will the spouses have to promise to be faithful, live together and help each other - in itself a tall order - but they will also have to commit to sharing "domestic responsibilities and the care of children and elderly family members".
Of course, wives as well as husbands will have to take the new vows, but since at present 40 per cent of Spanish men do no housework, it's a safe bet that the greater impact will be on husbands. The Spanish parliament's justice commission, which drafted the amendment, is silent about how it will ensure that domestic responsibilities are divided fairly in the home.
However, ministers have suggested that if the couple get divorced - possibly as a result of quarrels about the division of labour - husbands will have a raw deal when it comes to custody of the children if they have been shown to be slouches around the house.

Daily Telegraph Link.

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