More than Fried Chicken and NASCAR
Bobbing for pig feet, the mudpit belly-flop, the armpit serenade - they're all part of the Redneck Games, a series of good ole'ympic events for the ain't-so-athletic celebrating their 10th year in middle Georgia.
Started as a Southern-fried spoof of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, with a propane torch lighting a ceremonial barbecue grill, the gag games draw tourists like moths to a backyard bug-zapper.
Organizers estimate 95,000 attended the July event during its first decade in East Dublin, a rural pit stop of 2,500 residents between Macon and Savannah.
Excerpt from website:
Here tis the ofishal skedyule!
12noon - Welcome and tickets handed out.
12:30pm - Lighting of Ceremonial Grill by L'Bow
1pm - Live Entertainment -
2pm - Live Entertainment
2:30pm - Bobbin' For Pigs Feet
3pm - Live Entertainment
3:30pm - Hubcap Hurl
4pm - Live Entertainment
4:30pm - Mudpit Belly Flop
5pm - Live Entertainment
5:30pm - Armpit Serenade
6pm - Live Entertainment
6:30pm - Butt Crack Competition
7pm - Live Entertainment
9:15pm - Fireworks
After Fireworks, entertainment continues!