

More Evolutionary Fitness Stuff

I blogged back in April about "evolutionary fitness." It's a work-out regime that doesn't require you to work out. Its practitioners stroll, then sprint, stroll some more, then maybe sprint . . . or do the same thing on a bike. Its practitioners engage in a little bit of weightlifting, and they do things that "shock" their body a bit. It has worked fairly well for me, and it has freed up a lot of time (no more 50-minute stretches on the treadmill). But I'm still having all sorts of "inner" problems, ranging from heartburn (or was that a heart attack?) to foot problems, so I think I'm going to "go primal." I've been reading a lot about it, and then I saw this article at Philadelphia Magazine, which linked to this site. I had a client who went "whole hog" on a similar regime and was convinced it cured him of all his ills, including a mild case of cancer. I'm going to wade into the primal dietary waters. I'll let you know how it goes. * * * * * * * The World Cup finishes with yet another 1-0 game. Congratulations to Spain, but I just don't get the attraction for Americans. * * * * * * * Fifty-five percent of likely voters find 'Socialist' an accurate label of Obama. Well, he is, isn't he?: "The term 'socialism' originally referred to the broad panoply of reform movements in the early-to-mid nineteenth century that had a common theme: 'the need to transform capitalist industrial society into a much more egalitarian system in which collective well-being for all became a reality.'" * * * * * * * Jeffrey Tucker wants to eliminate a legal drinking age altogether, and no matter your opinion on the subject, you have to admit: the guys scores some points. "With the two thirds and more of people under the age of 21 reporting that they have consumed alcohol in the last year, it should be obvious that the law is doing nothing but providing a gigantic excuse for arbitrary police-state impositions on human liberty, and also socializing young people in a habit of hypocrisy and law breaking. It's like the old Soviet-style joke: they pretend to regulate us and we pretend to be regulated."