
The Spending Spree
Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I've gone on a small spending spree. First, I bought all sorts of stuff for my garden, probably about $200 worth. I didn't mind, though, because most of them were "capital" purchases that will, hopefully, continue to serve me for many years. And then a month ago, I bought the first season of Deadwood: a wholly-spontaneous purchase based on the recommendation of a friend. Then a few weeks ago, I ordered $100 worth of books from the von Mises Institute. I questioned my discretion on that one, but I've cracked open four of the books and haven't been disappointed with any of them yet. So far so good, but then last Wednesday, I took up the Thompson Cigar Company on a special introductory offer: $29.95 (plus $7.95 s/h) for a humidor, 20 cigars, and a wind-proof lighter. I don't even smoke, but I like the looks of a cigar, and I want have something inexpensive but nice to (oh so graciously) offer clients to take with them when they leave my office. My firm will pay for it, but still: it was basically a spontaneous purchase based on a magazine ad. And then on Friday, I did something I've never done: Bought a product that I saw on television. I picked up the phone before the commercial was even over. I bought the Total Pillow (and got the second one free!). Total expense: $36. And then yesterday, I paid for the Philosophy Bites iPhone App: $2.99. What I find particularly troubling about all these purchases is, I've rather enjoyed the mild stimulation of unleashing my wallet a bit. Maybe it's because, once the 2008 Depression started, I went on austerity measures. Maybe it's because I'm more shallow than a teenage girl who worships at the mall. Regardless, I don't like it. I'm going back on austerity measures again . . . at least until that next As Seen on TV Ad grabs me. * * * * * * * If you, like me, wish you had a pillow to take with you in the car and for other odd moments, stay tuned. I'll offer a review after I receive my Total Pillows. * * * * * * * For the record, I have my own allowance: $15 a month, plus whatever I receive for freelance writing and gifts. None of the purchases, except the Total Pillow, came out of my family's general fund. In other words, my children won't suffer because of my profligacy. * * * * * * * I missed this last week while I was on vacation: The U.N. wants to ditch the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. That's kind of significant, but not really. There is no law that requires everyone to accept dollars as the ultimate unit of measure, so the U.N. has nothing to say about it. If the dollar loses its reserve status, it'll probably be a gradual undoing, as trading partners accept something else. When the oil-producing countries were supposedly talking about replacing the dollar with a basket of currencies, that was significant. That could've set off a domino effect in the markets, but we're told those talks weren't real. * * * * * * * Our great country: Over 40 million people are on food stamps. That's over 13%. The food stamp program is too generous, or this place sucks, or both. * * * * * * * Are you concerned that all the stimulus money is being spent irresponsibly? Don't be. Everything is fine: Researchers the State University of New York at Buffalo got $389,000 to pay 100 Buffalonians $45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink -- and how much pot smoke each day. Consumption is then reported via an automated phone hotline. Cost per job: almost $200,000.