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Another great old ad, perfect for drinking Friday. I drank a lot of Blatz as a young man, but never got it this way . . . though goodness knows I tried to talk my girlfriends into it! (Just kidding. No lectures about impurity needed.) * * * * * * * Boston Beer Company, the brewer of Sam Adams, might lose its craft beer designation. It's growing too big. Once it passes 2,000,000 barrels annually, it becomes . . . what? Budweiser? Not sure, but the Company seems a little irritated about it. Link. * * * * * * * Sam Adams Coastal Wheat, incidentally, is a superb wheat beer. It might be my favorite beer right now. On Father's Day, we went boating with my wife's family. She told me, "I brought five bottles of the Coastal Wheat for you! Happy Father's Day." I was stoked. After the boat was in the middle of the lake, I opened the cooler and discovered that she brought me only one bottle of Coastal Wheat and a handful of Sam Adams Pilsners (which I don't like). It's a harsh, harsh world. * * * * * * * Kinda neat: U.S. soccer fans are going to the bars in the morning to watch the World Cup, order eggs and pancakes, and drink beer. Bar owners are digging the odd revenue stream. No word from the soccer fans' employers.