
Chartering a New Course?
One of the best new ideas I've heard recently: Charter cities. You find a host country, acquire some land, set your city limits . . . and set your own rules. If you make good rules, people will flock to your city and prosper. If you make bad rules, people will stay away, those who come will be miserable, and eventually you'll have a charter ghost town.
Perfect. I hate conflict, and that's why I hate the federal government: By imposing one set of rules on everybody (through legislation, regulation, and applying the Bill of Rights to every state and local government), it creates uniformity, and thereby raises the stakes considerably every time someone has a point of view: if their point of view loses, they have no choice but to feel oppressed, unless they want to leave the country. If we allowed for more political diversity, the person could just move a few miles down the road. Heck, he might just be able to move across the street and thereby escape the charter city limits.
We would be a much more peaceful country.