

Comical Queeridity

Archie Comics is going gay! The gay's name is "Kevin." But they're not trying to normalize homosexuality or anything like that, not at all: "The strapping blond will defeat Jughead in a burger eating contest, win the affection of Veronica and wrestle over how to gently rebuff her flirtations." Disgusting. I am now officially boycotting Archie! I've been unofficially boycotting Archie for 44 years because the comic sucks, but now my boycott is official. * * * * * I picked up a bad habit at Zero Hedge: reading the comments at the bottom of online pieces. Man, there's some funny gold in those pits of anonymity, like this line from the gay-Archie article: "Kevin should hook up with Fred from Scooby Doo. Come on Fred, it's o.k. to come out. We already all knew with the scarf thing going on. Don't get me started on Velma." * * * * * War in Gotham: Murdoch is escalating efforts to topple the Gray Lady. WSJ has already slashed advertising rate. Now it's "launching a metro section that will vie for readers and advertisers on the Times' turf." I wish him well. * * * * * Rarely does the opening line of news story flood one's brain with so many punchlines, headlines, and sarcasms: "A white supremacist lawyer was stabbed and beaten to death by a black neighbor." * * * * * If the bigger Icelandic volcano, Katla, erupts, watch food prices soar, according to Jim Rogers: "If that happens, you're going to see a lot of disruption in the world economy ”¦ you better buy all the agriculture (commodities) you can if that happens." * * * * * PSA: Slow blogging blows ahead. Four little league practices, one varsity soccer game, three youth soccer games, and other.