I Feel Like a Woman! I'm Comin' In!
[Eugene, Oregon's] current Human Rights Ordinance bars discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ethnicity, marital status, familial status, age, sexual orientation, or source of income. The new ordinance would add "gender identity" to that list of personal traits”“a provision that would allow bathroom choice based on psychological self-appraisal: Do I feel like a man or a woman?
Eugene is not the first municipality to consider such an ordinance. More than 70 jurisdictions nationwide have already enacted similar code changes, according to HRC member and City Councilor David Kelly. . .
Those protected by the clause would include men who think or say they are psychologically women (and vice versa), people preparing for or having received sex-change operations, and cross-dressers or transvestites.
What can we possibly add to that? Truth is stranger than fiction? Yup, but in this case, it's only stranger because fictions (of subjectivism and antinomianism) have pervaded truth.