On Smut
Gil Reavill, a former employee of Screw magazine and current writer for Penthouse and Maxim, has written an excellent cover story for The American Conservative about the prevalence of smut. It's not available on-line yet, but when it is, we suggest everyone read it and send the link to everyone they know. It's one of the better pieces we've seen. Excerpt
It offends me that so many people who dislike smut are getting it shoved in their faces. This strikes me as a tad undemocratic. No pornographication without representation. It's the cultural equivalent of secondhand smoke. I think adults should be able to use tobacco, just as I am all for adults being able to access sexually explicit material if they want it. But when we get hit with secondhand smoke–or secondhand smut–without being asked, I am offended for myself, for other people, and for the children among us.
By the way, if you're not reading The American Conservative, we politely suggest that you start. It's not partisan politics as usual, and it presents a sane view of the world. We're not sure how a magazine with such independent thought makes it in a political world dominated by liberals and neo-conservatives, but as long as it's here, we oughtta take advantage of it and support it. TAC Link.