Planned Parenthood Antics

Planned Parenthood has released a little video, called "The G Spot," which, you guessed it, talks about how babies are made. In a humorous manner and without holding anything back, including pre-ejaculate, the video features two characters shaped like sexual organs. Predictably, it's the male organ who can't wait to get busy and the female organ who says, "wait a minute," and proceeds to give a lesson in how sperm make their way to the eggs.


Odd and disturbing video, this. It's a cartoon that talks about subject matter that is mostly known to adults. Therefore, it is presumably geared toward children, but it's raunchy.

The video also makes all sorts of statements about the beginning of pregnancy that are hotly contested among doctors, medical ethicists, and theologians. Of course, PP doesn't indicate that there's any disagreement and that their position is the absolute truth. We think it's safe to assume that their main goal in this video is to gain acceptance of the morning-after pill.

We see the Dawn Patrol has beat us to it. We'd recommend checking back with her frequently to get her commentary.

Link to video.